Celebrating through Cancer

Celebrating through Cancer

What is life without celebration?

Typically, we only celebrate the pleasing aspects of life, but how can we also celebrate when we suffer? I’m sitting here asking myself this question, and I’m also wondering how I can share my story with you without any semblance of bitterness in my heart about what I went through during my battle with cancer. 

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Using Spiritual Gifts in Acts of Service

Using Spiritual Gifts in Acts of Service

Jesus redefined greatness when He taught the disciples about serving others. They were arguing about who was the most important disciple or the greatest—even getting their mother involved with a request for one of them to sit at the right hand of God in heaven. To gently reveal their selfishness and pride, Jesus began to explain to them that those who are considered the least here on earth will actually be first in God’s paradigm (Luke 9:46). He also embodied this concept when, as God, He stooped down to wash their feet. 

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